I’m a PhD candidate in Nagoya University currently focused on AI-based object detection and tracking for LiDAR sensors on autonomous cars. I’m also currently a C++/Python/ROS developer for Tier IV, improving the sensing capabilities of their open-source autonomous driving platform, Autoware. I have a ton of hobbies too, just check out my blog and projects!
Recent Publications
The Battle for Filter Supremacy: A Comparative Study of the Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter and the Sliding Window Filter. L. Clement, V. Peretroukhin, J. Lambert, and J. Kelly Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV’15), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Jun. 3–5 2015, pp. 23-30.
Entropy-Based Sim(3) Calibration of 2D Lidars to Egomotion Sensors J. Lambert, L. Clement, M. Giamou, and J. Kelly Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI’16), Baden-Baden, Germany, Sep. 19–21 2016, pp. 455-461.